
About Film and Learning

Film and Learning is a resource run by Mark Janketo share proven strategies to help entrepreneurs and side-hustlers make awesome online video – But what is AWESOME VIDEO?

Who is Mark Janke?

Does He Know What His Stuff?

I’m a family guy who has a life-long passion for video and business.  Like so many other people, I’m working a Plan B career. 

I graduated from college with degrees in Business Administration and a host of educational subject endorsements and went to work as a teacher for my high school alma mater.  I thrived, innovated, and worked my way into school administration at another institution. Still, I didn’t plan to leave education – sometimes life takes us by surprise and sets a new direction for us.

Serious health issues forced me to leave education for an extended time to recover and reset.  I left my job – at the best school I’ve ever worked for and the greatest community I’d ever joined. Believe me, I didn’t want to go. But things always have a way of working out, don’t they?

Over The Next Year, I Was Forged in the Entrepreneurial Fire.

In 2011, Amazon published my first feature documentary film -focused on the history of RVs.  The film has played on big screens and film festivals in 12 nations and hundreds of classrooms.  Out of that project grew a side-hustle business building small minimalist RVs.  I threw myself into that business only to have international trade relations rip the rug out from under me six days after making the best income I’d made in my life.  I lost that business.


How Film and Learning Began

Finding Solid Footing While Out to Sea

Life can be serendipitous.  I found I could take

As I was being forged in the entrepreneurial fire, a friend called and asked me to join him and some others on a boat filled with famous nature photographers and cinematographers.  With advanced SCUBA training and a former film teacher, I’d be a great addition to the group.  So, I went.

On that boat, I had a conversation with a well known IMAX and Netflix director and I found my new focus.



A Little About Mark

Author Image_Mark Janke

Mark Janke

Founder, CEO & Film Maker

An award-winning professional educator since 2003.

Made my first film, about my dog, at the ripe age of six with the family shoulder-mount camcorder.

The serious film making career started in 2011 with Amazon’s publishing of the feature-length documentary “Historic Camping and Teardrop Trailers”.

Love creating music videos, teaching media, creates online corporate training, conducts workshops for schools and businesses on video production, gamification, and business & teaching strategies.

An advanced NAUI certified SCUBA diver and relish the challenge of underwater cinematography.

Professional Endorsements: English, Social Studies, Mathematics, Business Applications, Film and Digital Media, School Administration, Adobe Certified Educator,

Awards: Don Keele Award for Excellence in Education, Delta Mu Delta Business Society Lifetime Membership for Excellence in Business Education.